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The City of Columbia Heights is looking for volunteers to help keep our parks free of trash and debris!

When adopting a park, we ask that you make an effort to clean it multiple times throughout the year.

Do you need supplies for your cleanup event? The City provides pickers, gloves, and garbage bags. After the event, the City asks that you return the pickers.

City of Columbia Heights Park - Adoption Group (as of April 1, 2024)

Bruce Nawrocki Park
Edgemoor Park
Gateway Park
Gauvitte Park
Hilltop Park
Huset Park East
Huset Park West
Keyes Park
LaBelle Park
Łomianki Park
McKenna Park
Ostrander Park
Prestemon Park 
Ramsdell Park
Silver Lake Park
Sullivan Lake Park - St. Timothy's Lutheran Church
Wargo Court

To adopt a park or for more information, please contact Will Rottler at 763-706-3614 or