Organics Recycling News Updates


The City of Columbia Heights organics recycling program continues to expand.  The City has composted over 20 tons of organics so far this year with over 360 households now engaged in organics recycling. 

The CHHS Key Club has received fresh compost for their fall “Plate to Garden Compost” fundraiser.  This works great for top dressing or aerating lawns before winter, protecting soils around the curb (where the snow, grime, and salt are pushed up onto the lawn), and to prepare gardens and potted soils for winter.  See the Kiwanis monitor at the Recycling Center to pick up a bag of compost.

If you are interested in joining the Organics Drop-off Program, we provide a free starter kit consisting of a 5-gallon storage pail with lid, a small kitchen basket, and compostable bags.  The organics can then be dropped off for free at the Recycling Center.  If interested, stop by Public Works at 637 38th Avenue between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to pick up a starter kit or email to request delivery. 


ANOKA COUNTY  See the Anoka County post of our CHHS Key Club’s compost fundraiser and the City’s organics recycling program. 

CITY NEWSLETTER  Select Heights Happenings to download the newsletter and read the article on Page 10 about a recent composting tour.

NORTHEASTER LOCAL PAPER for more information about the compost fundraiser and the City’s organics drop-off program. 

MN COMPOSTING COUNCIL  For more information about the compost fundraiser for which the MNCC is the lead sponsor of the “Plate to Garden” program.